Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blogging Plans for 2011

I plan to go a whole different route this year where it concerns my blogging. I want to particularly focus in on the historical aspect of biblical studies, especially where it concerns the textual reliability of the Bible, the historical Jesus, Paul, and other similar subjects. I am also going to keep pressing the resurrection issue as well as the topic of the Kingdom of God (a pending, upcoming paper will be electronically published). I've created a reading list for myself that I will share with you guys below (in order by author).

Richard Bauckham:

Darrell Bock:

James D. G. Dunn

Craig Evans:

Gary Habermas

Craig S. Keener

Robert E. Van Voorst

N. T. Wright:
Resurrection of the Son of God  (already 400 pages in)

The above list isn't meant to be comprehensive, but these are some of the ones I plan on reading over the next year or so (see a fuller list, here). If anyone has a book to recommend that is along the lines of the topic(s) above, leave a comment with the suggestion! 

I also plan on fully transitioning to my WordPress blog. This is because it has a lot more features than does blogger. You can upload files (doc, docx, pdf, etc.) on WordPress--something you can't do on blogger, also it has working footnotes (!), and other little features that blogger doesn't. 

So, I think this might be the end of the road for this blog... 


  1. Yeah, I am not too impressed with the fact that blogger doesn't have those features. I really want to published pdf's but not sure how to do it. I may just end up getting a wordpress solely for that purpose.

  2. Mike:

    One of the ways to post pdf or word document files on blogger is through the website, scribd. It's not the same, though, as an actual blog hosting them. That is why WordPress is way ahead of blogger in that respect.
