Sunday, November 21, 2010

Luke 23:43

From Codex B


  1. In case anyone is wondering the point of this image, it is to show that in one our best and most reliable manuscripts (B), there is a punctuation mark AFTER "today" and not before.

  2. Can you tell what kind of punctuation this is? I am not schooled in Greek. I have seen a stop before but not a comma. It is my understanding that punctuation came centuries later. Is there any studies on this verse in light of this MSS?

  3. Hi,

    I am not 100% sure, but it appears to be a comma. If it is not a comma, it is still indicative of the fact that there is a pause after "today." Which is highly significant, by the way.

    Many scholars have suggested that there was no punctuation until many centuries later, but that is not necessarily so. In fact, it is a gross misrepresentation of the facts. A book that you may want to check out is Philip Comfort's Encountering the Manuscripts.

    Also see, Greg Stafford's paper, "Punctuation in Early Greek New Testament Texts":
