Sunday, November 28, 2010

NIV Letter on the Divine Name

You can click image to enlarge it.


  1. Unfortunately, many JW's stereotype this attitude towards all Christians. But even so, i'll remain the lone protestant who stands in sharp disagreement with Palmer and all who would advocate this practice.

  2. Mike:

    While it is unfortunate that many Witnesses possibly stereotype this attitude toward most, it would be because Christians generally don't use this name in their everyday worship. Not saying that all don't, but again, generally.

    Moreover, this letter was from the 70's, we're now 40 years removed and yet nothing has really changed in terms of Bible translations adding the name.

    In fact, as I'm sure you're aware, a new NIV just came out last month. This new NIV still doesn't use a form of the Tetragrammaton.

    I wonder if a letter is sent to the 2010 NIV committee concerning this issue, what their response would be.

    I'm considering sending them one, by the way.


  3. I would be tickled pink if they would use even the Tetragramaton untranslated, like the LXX. That would be the minimum respect for God's name in my mind. Could you imagine the uproar if one took the name "Jesus" out of the Bible and replaced it with a title.
