"We know that we are in the right because the Spirit leads our Church."
"The Spirit reveals truths to us."
We have all heard such statements (or similar ones) by people who believe in the Trinity. For the sakes of argument let's assume that the Spirit isn't the Third Person of the Trinity.
If the Spirit is indeed an active force and not a Person, what do the above 3 statements mean? What does it mean specifically to Trinitarians, and with what consequences?
For starters, it truly wasn't the Spirit of God leading your Church or Congregation for you thought that that Spirit was the Third Person of the Trinity. If the Third Person of the Trinity doesn't exist, then who was the one "leading" your Church? Apparently, it would have been another entity guiding it, indeed, an entity that wasn't God or of God!
These are serious issues to consider. If the the Third Person of the Trinity doesn't exist, then who's Spirit is truly guiding your Church?
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