Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Intelligent Bacteria: Cells are Incredibly Smart


  1. This woman can talk! - not sure if she stopped to take a breath. Yeah, "life" is amazing, mind-boggling stuff. The more that gets discovered the more complex/smart they find it to be - code within code, etc, and like M. Behe said "life reeks of design".
    Still, that does not stop most atheists/scientists digging their heels in and sticking to their "it's all just a blind, undirected, zero intelligence, lucky accident" theory.

    They have no excuse.

    On this subject, almost finished a short book "Programming of Life - Donald E. Johnson", worth a look, imo.


  2. Hey, Nick:

    I've heard atheists use the analogy of when you put your hands over the stove and by instinct you remove them from the heat, that in a similar manner all this "fine tuned" stuff works this way.

    Don't know how viable that is, though!
